
+ move well   + live well    + feel well

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The Difference between Herniated and Bulging Discs

If you’ve been diagnosed with a bulging or herniated disc in your spine, you may think the two terms are interchangeable. However, while bulging and herniated discs are related, there Read More

Is Pelvic Floor Therapy for you?

Pelvic health issues are common, but they're not normal, and you don't have to live with them. It's also not something that just effects people later in life. Young men and Read More

Stay Active with Pickleball...The Safe Way!

Pickleball is a great way to stay active and work towards a healthy lifestyle in a fun way—there’s no wonder it has been the fastest-growing sport in the United States Read More

Summer Boredom Busters

July is a month in which many summer activities are winding down and families are spending more time together. In our house, this has lead to some “boredom” with my Read More

A New Certification In My ART Journey

I recently had the opportunity to attend a seminar in New York to further my Active Release Technique. I have previously been certified for the upper extremity portion which is Read More

A Common Dysfunction

As we all become more active in our day to day activities, whether it be outside with the kiddos, in the garden, or just enjoying the nice weather, it is Read More

What is the Spinal Galant Reflex and How Might a Retained Reflex be Impacting Your Child?

The Spinal Galant reflex is one of many primitive reflexes. A primitive reflex is an involuntary reflex that we are all born with. The Spinal Galant reflex is developed in Read More

Don't let spring cleaning give you a pain in the...shoulder blades!

Spring has sprung and that has many of us thinking about sprucing up our homes. Whether it be deep cleaning inside, tidying up our landscapes outside, or getting our gardens Read More

Spring Cleaning For Your Body

Experiencing pain can be like losing your keys right before you are leaving for work. You frantically look in all the typical places they should be but if you don’t Read More

Put a Spring In Your Step

As the weather starts to become more “predictable,” I look forward to spending more time outside with my family going for walks, playing with my children, and working on getting Read More

New Screening Process Leading To Better Results

At Schofield Chiropractic, we are always looking for the best way to take care of our patients in the most efficient, and individualized treatment plan. We have recently started using Read More

Self-Love: A Gift to Yourself this Valentine’s Day

Let’s face it—life is stressful. Many of us balance work, family, and friends on top of trying to stay physically and mentally healthy. But, in addition to caring for those Read More

Happy New Year!

New Year, New You? With the new year, typically comes new “resolutions” or goals to achieve in the next 365 days. A “New Year, New You” mindset, for some, is empowering Read More

Fatherhood: The adjustment of a lifetime

This Halloween my wife and I welcomed our daughter into the world, Jovie Pearl Bush. An 8 lb 3 oz reminder of how beautiful life can be and how much Read More

Winter Activities for Kids: Having Fun While Strengthening Developmental Skills

It’s that time of the year– winter is right around the corner. As we prepare by purchasing new shovels, changing the tires on the car, and stocking up on ingredients Read More

Viewing 1 - 15 out of 34 posts


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1001 Hudson Rd., Ste. A
Cedar Falls, IA, 50613